Solution that worked for me for JetBrains toolbox on Login: 1) Edit .desktop file used for AutoStart (I use vi but nano etc works) `vi ~/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop` 2) Change `Exec` line...
It's apparently fixed in the next release of JetBrains Toolbox (1.20). I think by fixed they mean `X-AppImage-Integrate=false` but it's a little unclear from the comments. I also think they...
What things could Octolapse respond to when printing from SD? Octoprint seems to know what the target temperature is for example. If I edited my GCODE to briefly dip the...
I had assumed it would have to involve editing the GCODE on the SD card somehow. Without having given it much thought I had assumed I could do some regular...
I may be seeing the same thing for Ubuntu 64 bit. Configuration was working fine at least as recently as 27/12/2020. I have tried specifying the DNS but no joy...
> I found that on my system (Ubuntu eoan 19.10) the problem was Chrome using media keys. To disable Chrome media keys handling change the following setting chrome://flags/#hardware-media-key-handling to disabled...
PS: Link to rufus-scheduler also needs updating!
Another sample if useful. ``` Game State Read Error Exception: Unsupported projectileType flag: 6 Stack Trace... net.blerf.ftl.parser.SavedGameParser.readProjectile( net.blerf.ftl.parser.SavedGameParser.readSavedGame( net.blerf.ftl.ui.FTLFrame.actionPerformed( javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) Editor Version: 27 OS: Windows 10...