Elad Zelingher
Elad Zelingher
This is related to the current implementation of crossbar (see [here](http://crossbar.io/docs/Subscription-Meta-Events-and-Procedures/)), which I guess will be close to the spec. Currently one can subscribe to wamp.subscription.on_subscribe/wamp.subscription.on_unsubscribe and get all notifications...
We should run unit tests for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS in our builds. The iOS tests need some modifications in order to pass (since Xamarin does not support runtime code generation)....
There should be logs in the framework. A logging framework (such as log4net) should be considered.
See [advanced profile spec](https://github.com/tavendo/WAMP/blob/master/spec/advanced.md#batched-websocket-transport). Being developed on "batched" branch. TODO: - [ ] Add suitable overloads for DefaultWampChannelFactory - [ ] Add binary support - [ ] Add a BatchedWebSocketTransport...
Add tests for new WAMP2 code. Maybe [these tests](https://github.com/tavendo/AutobahnJS/tree/master/package/test) should be ported (though they will be integration tests)
In some scenarios we want to use to built-in handlers without needing to specify any custom handlers. Unfortunately, this kind of usage will throw a NullReferenceException. ``` csharp using (var...