Nothing that I can see of relevance: ``` 2020-07-17 18:56:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.blueiris.api.blue_iris_api] Retrieving camera list 2020-07-17 18:56:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.blueiris.api.blue_iris_api] Status of 200 2020-07-17 18:56:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.blueiris.api.blue_iris_api]...
Thanks! I'll report back on the new release when it's available.
@elad-bar that did it, I now see a blueiris.components.yaml file, and it appears to be populated. I need to play around with including it in my configuration next to see...
Yeah, looks like the script clause is malformed.
> I assume you cross-posted an issue to TouchUI repo as well? The one that shows the graph is moved into there from a tab, the other one is probably...
Opened https://github.com/BillyBlaze/OctoPrint-TouchUI/issues/512 as well.
No worries, just wasn't sure which end of the problem to work first! Working both makes more sense, of course... =)
Well, the TouchUI issue was closed without any action or comment, so I guess nothing has changed there.
> @darkgrue the one that doesn't show anything is the Tasmota tab. It has a plotly.js graph on it with graphed sensor data. If it's completely blank then your device...
> Suggest adding a mention of introducing the dependency on the `wiringpi` package into the README, though for raspios users; that package doesn't seem to be a standard install. The...