Benjamin K
Benjamin K
It would be great to see a fix for this at some point, I've wanted to get rid of my dependence on class-transformer for something a bit more performant for...
I'd definitely be interested in having this supported by default with the CLI, I can get by using the render methods for now but having JSX definitely helps for readability...
> Please see #52 instead for how to correctly replace game libraries. I have, you can see I'm using that system in my 1.20.2 branch
> I can maybe give your project a look in a few hours, Thanks I appreciate it, I've updated the original post with a few relevant GitHub issues on ForgeGradle...
If there's any additional info needed feel free to reach out.
> 1. This will be fixed in the future on NeoGradle 7 sides. However, this won't fix your issue because running it with the fix will still not allow projects...
> It's fine yes. "Mod sources" here means stuff that should end up in the GAME layer. Gotcha, figured as much - just didn't want to wait and then find...
Realised I forgot some important information, added it to the main post now.
Seconding this, if shippo doesn't plan on maintaining their official clients then they need to at least make that clear considering it's a paid service.