@ksimka I was just flipping through, sorry I didn't have the chance to just take care of this myself, since I'm on my phone. I noticed that the Chart.yaml looks...
Or I could take it over, no worries, man. I understand being busy, believe me, is 10 years in the navy taught me anything, it's that, lol
Currently it doesn't release the GIL, however it wouldn't take much to allow it to. I'll try putting something together this weekend. Try checking back some time on Sunday or...
No, this doesn't have anything to do with python. The C++ compiler for your system doesn't like the /W switch without an argument, which setup.py is throwing in. I'll just...
That compiler string was mainly a holdover from another project. I just removed the blank -W switch, and left the others. I know you haven't even looked at this in...
Interesting. I haven't been able to test it on OSX. I may have to re-work some of the code to make it compatible. I’ll take a look at it tonight...
Sorry for the late reply, I'm looking around but I don't have anything running OSX, and I currently don't know anyone who does that I can test this on. I...
I still haven't had a chance to get a hold of something running OSX. If one of you gets a chance to read this, could you please run `./lz4toolsCli README.rst`...
@rafaelzimmermann https://github.com/rafaelzimmermann Thanks for posting the results. I'll take a look, and see what I can do about this as soon as I get off of work. ^_^ On Thu,...
> same for me please help me I haven't looked at this in a few years, but I'll see what I can do this evening.