Dario Susman
Dario Susman
I'm trying to scan a website for its SSL/TLS certificates, but I'm trying to make nmap skip using the /etc/hosts to resolve the FQDN using both and or ```--system-dns``` and...
Greetings! I've attempted to upgrade to ossec-hids 3.7.0 as a local server/agent/standalone on a Debian/Testing box, without systemd (USE_SYSTEMD=NO). It didn't seem to have any issues until it tried to...
As you may know, apt-key is DEPRECATED. From apt-key(8) man page: ```DEPRECATION Except for using apt-key del in maintainer scripts, the use of apt-key is deprecated. This section shows how...
Hi! I tried building drive-google and cmd/drive, but both resulted in failures building it. Both at the atomic functions. `# go version` `go version go1.15.3 linux/amd64` Running `go get -v...