Dario Salvi
Dario Salvi
thanks for the quick answer! Re. memory, this is what the Arduino IDE tells me at the end of the compilation process (including Arduino libraries and duktape): > Sketch uses...
`navigator.language` should give you the locale set for the browser, which I would guess is the same used for the OS
I am also interested! nrf24 has some interesting functionalities already baked in. I wrote [an Arduino library](https://github.com/dariosalvi78/nRF24) some time ago, maybe it could help.
Hello! Any plan to include this into the Espruino-compatible bundle?
Hello, thanks for the great project! I may have found the precompiled library for the heart rate sensor [here](https://github.com/frank770504/HeartRate).
Hi, it looks like atc1441 in the end uses the proprietary library too, see [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0W65KbaeA8) and the associated [repo](https://github.com/atc1441/D6Emulator) (particularly [this Arduino sketch](https://github.com/atc1441/D6Emulator/tree/master/D6EmulatorHeartrate)) . I have found some repos...
same issue here, but using https://github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210118 has worked.
can't be done with cordova currently. See https://github.com/apache/cordova/issues/120
this looks like exactly what I was suggesting in that issue! What I am not sure is if the app has access to plugins though. Worth trying! (and if you...
someone managed to put together a demo [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/sveltejskit-framework7-playground-forked-14mno) but it uses some older versions and I can't make it work on my environment with latest versions of svelte and sveltekit.