Dario Sindičić
Dario Sindičić
## Description Added Croatian translation. ## Files added - ``locales/README.hr_HR.md``
``Encode . decode`` property-based testing is done on every data type in TOML, but there is an issue involving non-ascii characters (č, ž, щ, ё). The reason why that test...
### Files changed - ``colourista.cabal`` - ``src/Colourista/IO.hs`` - ``src/Colourista/Pure.hs`` ### New behaviour Added ability to print message using any colour which can be expressed using classic RGB representation (HEX values)....
As I saw currently user can only select colours mentioned in this data type. https://github.com/feuerbach/ansi-terminal/blob/5d65f48485182320ea05f90b5b002003515c089b/src/System/Console/ANSI/Types.hs#L39-L47 There shouldn't be too difficult to add additional function and maybe data type to wrap...
**What steps did you take and what happened:** A Velero process is setting up the Factory settings if a user is passing client burst and client qps parameters, so that...
Web console is the a highest consumer of a memory inside of a container so in the case of MQ pod being close to the memory limit, OOM will kill...