Darcy Gong
Darcy Gong
Dear Harry It needs to be used on raspberry pie. But now IMV is based on standard GL. Many macros are not supported. Hope to provide OpenGLES 2.0 compatible method....
使用方法: baidu_pcs 命令 [选项] 命令列表: info 查看云盘信息 ls 列出远程文件或目录 选项: -l 显示详细信息 -r 递归子目录 upload [选项] [本地路径] [远程路径] 上传文件或目录 选项: 覆盖策略 默认:略过已存在同名远程文件 -o 覆盖远程同名文件 -n 如果存在同名文件,创建以日期结尾的新文件 ``` -p 指定上传分片大小,例如 -p100M...
规则引擎什么时候支持更多action? 现在只有webhook. 似乎没有 republish webhook的规则也很简单 希望能支持 republish,和shell/bash(就是本地命令行)
### 项目名称与简介 (Project introduction) # proxmox的备份服务器 ## 说明 proxmox ve配套的备份服务器,2020年7月发行首个测试版,2020年12月加入proxmox ve 6.4进行支持 支持开源和免费使用 专门用于pve的虚拟机,模版的备份。清华大学的镜像站已经提供pve的镜像,但对pbs等未镜像 wiki文档地址 [pbs.proxmox.com](pbs.proxmox.com) ISO已经镜像,主要是debian10/11的apt源需要镜像 ### 上游地址与镜像方法 (How to mirror) 无订阅备份(非企业版/社区付费版的镜像) 以下是官方文档 https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/installation.html#proxmox-backup-no-subscription-repository Proxmox Backup No-Subscription Repository >...
https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/16390 ### issue run 1 ``` import json var s = "{\"abc\":16}" var j = json.load(s) print(j) ``` output: ``` {'abc': 16} ``` run 2 ``` import json var s...
After checking the documentation, it seems that the publish of Tasmota berry's mqtt module does not support will topic and will message Can relevant functions be provided? thinks!
hi @EdJoPaTo . The payload of mqtt messages. A lot is a json or msgpack of arbitrary structure. For example, the cmnd information of tasmota returns stat/xxxxxx/RESULT Since the message...
There are three questions 1 how to import Android native code library. As java2haxe tools? Still need to manually write code. 2 can be combined with the NME library? 3...
build basis error: D:\Motion-Twin\haxe3\haxe\lib\basis\git>haxe build.hxml Sys_error("build/run.n: No such file or directory") build basisAndroid error: D:\Motion-Twin\haxe3\haxe\lib\basisAndroid\git>haxe build.hxml Error: Library xapi is not installed : run 'haxelib install xapi' D:\Motion-Twin\haxe3\haxe\lib\basisAndroid\git>haxelib install xapi...
D:\HaxeWorks\StablexDL\examples\massive_rotation>nme test flash ../../src/ru/stablex/sxdl/SxTilesheet.hx:13: characters 0-18 : import and using may not appear after a type declaration ../../src/ru/stablex/sxdl/SxStage.hx:16: lines 16-290 : Defined in this class ../../src/ru/stablex/sxdl/SxTilesheet.hx:9: characters 0-17 : Previous...