Darby Johnston
Darby Johnston
Thanks Nick, I'll try that and submit a PR.
I do see this with the movie you sent me, it looks like it happens with movies that have a timecode offset. I'll look into it.
I was just taking a look at this and it appears that OTIO is setting the "@loader_path"? https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenTimelineIO/blob/068225674752a226381ea43fddaef22159e410fb/src/opentimelineio/CMakeLists.txt#L94 If I remove that from the OTIO CMake files then I get:...
Maybe something like: ``` if(OTIO_PYTHON_INSTALL AND APPLE) set_target_properties(opentimelineio PROPERTIES INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@loader_path" MACOSX_RPATH ON) endif() ``` Although that would have the same problem if Python is enabled when building tlRender or...
I checked in a change to build OTIO as static in the super build, now all of the dependencies are built static where the licenses permit. I think the rpath...
I like the idea of having OCIO as an optional dependency though I don't think baking LUTs can represent all of the color transforms accurately? OCIO does have an open...
I fixed a bunch of them with this PR awhile back: https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenTimelineIO/pull/577 There are a couple of new warnings but they should be easy to fix.
There are a couple in the Windows cpp_build: https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenTimelineIO/actions/runs/3101844256/jobs/5023591626 An unreferenced variable and some type conversions.
Different concepts of warnings I guess? That's one of the nice things about building on multiple platforms, each compiler seems to turn up additional warnings. I tried turning on a...
It might be nice to run the C++ tests with valgrind: https://valgrind.org/ It's great at finding memory issues though it can also be quite slow and could impact the CI...