Daniel Darabos

Results 45 comments of Daniel Darabos

Tuck also wants to read Date and Timestamp columns. I've added these. This is useful outside of this PR too. But it will be easier to test them together. Hopefully...

> PS you might want to pin openjdk in `conda-env.yml` for CI to start passing again > > ``` > - sbt > - openjdk==11.0.15 # if left unpinned, sbt...

Thanks! I've changed the code to support all types that Spark supports. I let Spark parse what you enter. If the table does not match the specified schema you get...

@lacca0 I'm going to merge this PR to simplify merge conflicts with the 1-jar change. But it's still open for your comments! (I'll just have to address them in a...

There's a Go library for this: https://github.com/fogleman/delaunay ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/33ded10483f6a0a3d63a62a58cf20cd85a2c952d/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f786866573145562e706e67)

They used a border graph in https://storage.googleapis.com/covid-external/COVID-19ForecastWhitePaper.pdf which is pretty similar.

Great idea, thanks! This seems so straightforward that we can try to stuff it into 4.2.

It's easy to add, but LynxKite balks at translating the highly structured schema: ``` root |-- contigName: string (nullable = true) |-- start: long (nullable = true) |-- end: long...

> At what point do you get this exception exactly? Is it "only" when you turn the table into graph or right away on import? The import succeeds, but I...

We experimented a bit and `text-shadow: 1px 0 black, -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 0 -1px black;` doesn't look back!