Daniel Larkin
Daniel Larkin
I also agree with this
Hey @hankjacobs, Cloudflare Worker bindings are currently only able to be `Wasm` or `KV` as it it. When we're doing things with bindings in Cloudworker we naturally allow there to...
I see, that makes sense, have you considered just having these types passed into the scoped functions like how my example B worked above? If you bound a property to...
Hey @hankjacobs, have you put any more thought into this?
I'm currently working on a Pull Request at the moment. All is functioning in development mode, but still working on a patch for the "extract-text-webpack-plugin" which is causing an error...
The issues that I'm having occurring in production mode are causing Webpack not to serve the CSS files to the browser.
Interesting, I'm running a Unix-like architecture and it seems to run fine in development mode. I'll do some debugging tomorrow and have a look at that.