Dan Virsén
Dan Virsén
Any updates on this?
Any updates for this issue?
My issue was that I wanted to use a "create or update" method, which caused me to get a 404. This worked fine with one parameter in the URL, but...
I used locally defined types up until yesterday when I updated drachtio-srf and found that types were added a while ago. It broke my application though so I attempted to...
Hi! Thanks for the quick response! For this test I was running 0.8.25.
Here you go: [drachtio-183-on-reinvite.log](https://github.com/drachtio/drachtio-server/files/15131741/drachtio-183-on-reinvite.log) Drachtio log was set to debug.
Hi again! Have you had a chance to take a look at this? Do you need anything more from me?
Any thoughts about this @davehorton? We have been using a a fork with the change that I mentioned at the bottom of the first comment for quite some time now...