
Results 11 issues of Daniel

https://github.com/brunch/deppack/issues/49 I've noticed that Typescript is giving me issues with brunch. I've tracked this down to Typescript changing the path of files when it changes their file extension.

Copy of https://github.com/atom/language-html/issues/135 since it was recently released with Atom 1.25.

Python allows for abstract classes that define methods which must be implemented (with tools located in the `abc` package). This might be useful for the `Packet` class.

good first issue
back end

Could just check if parent_id == link_id

module: queuetools

## Feature Description ### The Problem TypeORM's query builder API allows users to make critical security bugs through where clause erasure when `.where()` is invoked multiple times. It's not immediately...

new feature
requires triage

Heroku requires the release process be specified in order to use the new container as the source of the release command: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/container-registry-and-runtime#release-phase Ex: ``` $ heroku container:release web release Releasing...

I've added elements 111-118 to `src/elements.js`. Because this left no more elements with 3-character symbols, I adjusted the left-padding on the exports keys, so almost every line ended up being...

I recently tried the version of swagger-elm hosted on github and found that it won't accept my OpenAPI JSON.

Adds a parallel command to `/realname `. I've had players request this.

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When using multiple chat formatters, HexNicks will destroy formatting information **Describe the solution you'd like** When one plugin modifies text...
