Results 8 issues of Dante

Hi, in few weeks, I found `useImperativeHandle` is quiet handy for - encapsulation how child component state changing logic implemented, no event handler needs to pass down to child component...

### Environment 1. `vscode-jest version`: [v4.4.0] 2. `node -v`: [v14.17.1] 3. `npm -v` or `yarn --version`: npm [8.5.1] 4. `npm ls jest` or `npm ls react-scripts` (if you haven’t ejected):...

stage: awaiting response

### Verify canary release - [X] I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release ### Provide environment information ```bash - node 16.15.0 - package.json { //...

template: bug

### Verify latest release - [X] I verified that the issue exists in the latest pnpm release ### pnpm version 7.33.6 ### Which area(s) of pnpm are affected? (leave empty...

type: bug

**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** - I wonder react-helmet support tree shaking or not. **What is the current behavior?** - I built my own...

Hi, thanks for your nice imagemin-mozjpeg. I use 6.0.0 version. reason this version has peer dependency mozjpeg ^4.0.0, which v4.1.1 released 2022.8.15, error occured when jenkins build. I know this...

Greetings, I wonder we can say htm as [ internal dsl]( like jsx?