Results 9 issues of AlD

Hi! is it possible to use this library taking the audio source from a element ?

Hi! As far as I checked using the plugin, and checking also in the source code, it seems touchSensitivity works just in "touch" handler (it make sense because of the...


Hi: Weird behaviour. I have this config: ``` 'class' => '\skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\AssetsAutoCompressComponent', 'enabled' => true, 'readFileTimeout' => 3000, //Time in seconds for reading each asset file 'cssCompress' => true, //Enable minification...

Is it in roadmap create the Map files for minified JS ?

My request is to be able to use SSL when defining static hosting in object storage.

Object Storage

When I use for FIRST time it works perfectly, and save record in the database. But when I try to use it as second time (with an already registered user),...

Hi: Amazing! bravo !! Just one question ... how can I create a sharper terminator ? I mean, the zone between light and dark ... astronomically speaking, it should be...

Is it possible to use this module to create a subscription where the flow is redirect to Stripe so user put the credit card in Stripe? I see the method:...

Hi: I had to upgrade from v2 to v3 because some big tables in v2 was not working quickly. So I moved to v3, not thousands of rows tables are...