Dan Stepanov

Results 17 issues of Dan Stepanov

Please include the following information for better support The more context you provide around this issue the faster the community can help you Did you follow all the instructions as...

Does this project have type definitions? Please include the following information for better support The more context you provide around this issue the faster the community can help you Did...

status: on hold

# Why `react-native-reanimated` was throwing an issue due to a recent upgrade to 2.8, particularly this issue https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated/issues/3111 [Snack recreating issue](https://staging.snack.expo.dev/@bycedrictest/reanimated-sdk-45-issue) (will no longer be relevant once this is merged)...

Automated changes by [create-pull-request](https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request) GitHub action

In an effort to run the build on my physical device, I am trying to create a development build via EAS (not locally) and am running into the following: ```...

```cli git:(main) ✗ bun run bin/create-expo-stack.js my-expo-app --tamagui --bun _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ | |_ ___ / __|| '__|/ _ \ / _` || __|/ _ \...

help wanted

help wanted

Where would be the best place to convey to people that they can share their project by running `npx expo-snackify`?

## Description ### TODO - [ ] expo-router stack unistyles - [ ] expo-router tabs unistyles - [ ] expo-router drawer + tabs unistyles - [x] react-navigation stack unistyles -...