I tried to add both the 'frontend' and NodeBB (proxy) URLs but that doesn't seem to have worked. I added like this: ``` appInsights.setup(process.env.APP_INSIGHTS_KEY).setSendLiveMetrics(true).start(); appInsights.defaultClient.config.correlationHeaderExcludedDomains = [process.env.FRONTEND_URL, process.env.FORUM_URL]; ```
Hi @markwolff, does the implementation of the 'correlationHeaderExcludedDomains' look correct in my above post? If the above is correct (which isn't working as a solution), is there any other way...
OK, I'll try and re-order to see if that works. Doing a quick test, the last `return true` from that function is firing, so I assume the URLs I'm passing...
@OsvaldoRosado Ah, the URLs do have the protocols on them actually. I'll try them without and hope that works.
@markwolff @OsvaldoRosado I can confirm that adding the URLs without the protocol did in fact work, and I am not longer receiving the error explained in my first post. Is...
@julianlam Thanks for your quick reply! The timestamps are slightly different — see below (I've omitted everything from the objects which was exactly the same between the two profiles): ```...
I managed to replicate the error locally with the following steps: - Assign user information & sign a cookie (as per first post code snippet) - Load the URL for...
@julianlam It is a strange one! > Are you stopping and refreshing in quick succession? Definitely doesn't seem right. Hopefully I can reproduce. I was stopping and starting it quite...
NodeBB is running off of `postgres` so if I've used the right query `SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM "public"."legacy_object" WHERE "_key"::TEXT LIKE '%appId:uid%';` I get the following: | _key |...
I've also been able to replicate the problem in more of a 'real-life' user scenario, rather than a developer really trying to break it as described above. Here's how: -...