Results 7 issues of Dan

`it-switch-label-group` doesn't have `display: flex` so `it-switch-label` `align-self: center` does not take effect. bad: ![image]( good: ![image]( I'm quite happy w the framework & appreciate the support. Tell me if...

Because `.it-modal-body` has `overflow: hidden`, an `it-select` will not function properly inside of one. What does the overflow setting accomplish? Could it just be dropped?

![image]( (screenshot from, ubuntu, firefox (same result with chrome)) ``` .vuecal__weekdays-headings, .vuecal__all-day { padding-right: 12px; ``` I think coming from here: So maybe it's related to ?

Readme says: "If you use default base url (http://local.magento) or other test url, you need to modify your host file to map the host name to docker container." Could you...

After `docker-compose up -d` and running `install-sampledata` and `install-magento`, I can't log into localhost/admin with the creds specified in the readme. Am I missing something? What will make it clearer...

Given `file = site.file url`, `file.versions[0].created_by` cannot be accessed, giving `Sharepoint::SPException: The expression "SP.FileVersiond46a2310-db1d-4461-9f18-b6e8dbda498c/CreatedBy" is not valid.` I can print `file.versions[0]` and observe: `"CreatedBy"=>{"__deferred"=>{"uri"=>""}}` Is there some way to get...

callback is always called callback is not always provided should be ``` exitHook(callback => { setTimeout(() => { console.log('exiting 3'); if(callback) callback(); }, 1000); }); ```