Dan Prince

Results 24 issues of Dan Prince

It looks like the bundling step from `@snowpack/plugin-parcel` doesn't do any kind of cleanup after bundling, so the build directory ends up containing the bundled/fingerprinted assets _and_ the original output...

help wanted

Trying to install spacemacs on Ubuntu 15.04. I've moved the spacemacs files to `~/.emacs.d/`, but when I start emacs I get a flash of the initial emacs window, then a...

- Bug tracker -

Hey folks, I'm trying build binaries (for multiple architectures) in a project that uses v8go and not having much luck. I haven't compiled projects with CGO enabled before, so it's...

Because Javascript doesn't support bitwise operations on numbers > 32 bit integers, we need to provide some kind of heads up when someone creates a format with a field length...


Swaps `Runnable` for `Runnable` to preserve inferred types when using the `Runnable` interface (or it's derivative `CloudFunction`). This helps with writing tests that call functions, because their return type will...

cla: yes

Might be worth creating a page which pulls down the in browser babel compiler and getting a try-this-out style repl page.


It'd be great to have a `zaphod/lazy` interface that exposed functions that worked lazily with iterables. ``` js import { range, map, take } from 'zaphod/lazy'; range()::map(n => n *...


Publish with split code like lodash does. ``` js import { assoc } from 'zaphod'; // vs import assoc from 'zaphod/assoc'; ``` This will allow users to create small bundles...

When invoking the transaction function in transient, it would be helpful for the object to have been deep copied, so that mutations to any degree would be safe.


Trying to get scopes working with these typing and running into a confusing type error. Here's a minimal example that seems to fail with the following versions: * `[email protected]` *...