Daniel Ong
Daniel Ong
Post-hunt DPS is low because it includes the 60/20 seconds period after the hunt and the time spent in the post-hunt summary pages (maybe?). Maybe store the last damage timestamp...
The original damage mod already fixed this bug. Take a look at their fix and patch it to this project.
We have a bunch of arrays of length 4 to track various player data. Maybe it would be better to use a dictionary or even build a player class.
During hunts, the current user should be at the top of the list followed by the other users in alphabetical order. After hunts, sort all users by damage done.
Replace current 4 colors with nicer colors. Maybe use the colors from a seaborn color palette. ``` >>> import seaborn as sns; sns.set() >>> sns.palplot(sns.husl_palette(4)) ```
Users should be able to choose whether they want to show or hide all of the following metrics: - total damage - damage % - DPS
It would be nice to clean up the code a bit. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/inside-a-program/coding-conventions