Danny Pule
Danny Pule
Getting same issue "[at-loader] Checking finished with 12 errors". Doesn't show a list of errors in the command line. Only shows me what the errors are when I run. In...
`TypeError: require.ensure is not a function` is related to async loading of components in the App.jsx and AsyncRoute.jsx files. `import(...)` gets translated to `require.ensure` using the babel-plugin-dynamic-import-webpack plugin but something...
The fix for the `TypeError: require.ensure is not a function` issue is to paste the following code in your App.jsx file underneath the `import preload from "../data.json";` statement. ``` if...
Another fix for this and probably what Brian Holt was intending in his course is to use the npm package which is already available in this project's `package.json` called `babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node`....
I have posted a fix for the `require.ensure` issue here https://github.com/btholt/complete-intro-to-react/issues/65
My workaround for this was to update the `key` prop on `ReactInputAutosize` when the window resized. Then `key` is updated it causes `ReactInputAutosize` to be recreated ``` state = {...
@gyurielf I wanted to ask about the status of the PR with this change please? Like the other commenters, I also need to set the value from outside the component...