Danny Adair
Danny Adair
Hi, thanks for flexselect! It's definitely the cleanest solution to django admin chained selects around. If I give the triggering field an initial value then I currently have to do...
I chained a fk select to another and then a third one to the second. When the "root" select is changed, the second select is adjusted accordingly but the third...
If a parent change triggers new choices, the current choice will be blanked even if it is available in the new choices. I think that is undesirable (and makes the...
In v14 and v15 only three specific fields of "params" get logged https://github.com/camptocamp/odoo-cloud-platform/blob/14.0/monitoring_log_requests/models/ir_http.py#L73 https://github.com/camptocamp/odoo-cloud-platform/blob/15.0/monitoring_log_requests/models/ir_http.py#L73 info.update({ 'model': request.params.get('model'), 'model_method': request.params.get('method'), 'workflow_signal': request.params.get('signal'), }) but in v13 the entire "params" just gets...
When I run both logging_json and monitoring_log_requests, the output of the latter comes out as an escaped string, rather than nested JSON (and thus parsed as a string by logstash):...
## Module account_journal_lock_date ## Describe the bug Unlike Odoo's _check_fiscalyear_lock_date(), the override does not filter the moves to only look at posted ones. This leads to the unreasonable restriction that...
Added "must_exist" parameter to SearchField. If set to False, lookup of a non-existent attribute will lead to an indexed value of None instead of raising an Exception. I'm defaulting must_exist=True...
Same fix as https://github.com/OCA/account-financial-reporting/pull/863 but for the activity statement