Danilo Jeremias da Silva
Danilo Jeremias da Silva
@ustuntas You have installed all the prerequisites? Imagemagick (sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev imagemagick on Ubuntu) RMagick or mini_magick or quick_magick - Gem Try run the tesseract on console with a...
Hello, Do you use Rmagick or Minimagick like a [processors?](https://github.com/dannnylo/rtesseract#options) Do you have the [imagemagick](https://github.com/dannnylo/rtesseract#requirements) dev libs installed? - Ubuntu systems: sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev - RHEL systems: yum install...
Hello, You mean, the rtesseract recognize the text with different orientation or give this information? If only recognize the text, you can pass option -psm with value 0,1,2 or 3....