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ENMTools R Package
Marianna Simões pointed out that we have hypothesis tests for ecospat but we haven't implemented some of the other functions like ecospat.niche.overlap and ecospat.niche.dyn.index. Could be quite useful!
I'm just sorta spitballing here, but people have asked whether we would make a Shiny interface and I think it might be worth doing. ENMTools is already pretty sprawly, though,...
We've already got something sorta like it in the threespace plot, but it seems like we could be doing more.
I'm thinking maybe we should have an "export" function that writes all of the contents of a model object to a directory. Basically save the plots as .pngs, the rasters...
Hi, I've been using your package a lot over the past few weeks, and it's great! However, it can be very slow to plot large models. I guess this is...
We could use the same simple algorithm used for the blob rangebreak test to set aside spatially structured subsets of the data for cross-validation. This would allow a lot more...
Is that metric n-dimensional? If not, can it be made so? Anyway, we might want to build an analysis around using that metric in env space.
We have enough issues with java installations that we might want to consider switching our maxent implementation to use maxnet instead, or at least provide it as an option.