Dan Ludwig
Dan Ludwig
Perfect, that is what I was looking for. Knowing about the embedded JSON.NET also helped me serialize `enum` values as `string` instead of `int`, using ``` [ArangoDB.Client.Common.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter(typeof(ArangoDB.Client.Common.Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter))] public SomeEnum SomeEnumValue...
I'm also having a tough time figuring out how to use async validators. Consider the following: 1. User changes value and/or clicks form submit button. 2. An observable extended with...
@IanYates83 thanks for the fiddles. I was able to squash the ping pong loop yesterday by moving the async validator from an on-the-fly validator to a proper `ko.validation.rules['rulename']` validator. It...
+1 @MichaelSamteladze (how) did you end up working around this?
@evandixon Have you had success with this fork of the library? We are also using a fork of MediaToolkit and running into some concurrency issues currently in tests (since we...
Hi @phobos04 and @sproutslypaul, I am terribly sorry I missed this issue. I haven't made any commits to tripod in a while, as you can see. As for Typescript, I...