Dani Polo

Results 8 issues of Dani Polo

Added a comment, I spent some time figuring out the chatId use quotes :)

Hi, I'm trying to add this config into the Dockerfile: ``` # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Wed Jan 24 08:50:53 2018 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [5928521:551144986] :INPUT ACCEPT [1968289:69058020] :OUTPUT...

I'm trying to launch it following documentation and it's failing. This docker output: ``` ➜ garie (master) ✗ ./start.sh Starting garie_influxdb_1 ... done Starting garie_grafana_1 ... done Starting garie_chronograf_1 ......

Hi, What about adding the Top Stories box? Is there any easy way to parse them? Thanks!

Nice project guys, why not BigQuery support?


Hi fellas! In first instance, thanks for your code. It's helping me a lot building an API. In **client-connect.php**, when I make a POST request, it work's ok and return...

Thanks for this great code. I'm following a more updated fork ([XBS-Nathan/magento2-module-webhook](https://github.com/XBS-Nathan/magento2-module-webhook)). Whit the **latest Magento 2 version**, without configuring any webhook (fresh install). When you pay in the checkout,...

Hi, I forked your code 💯 I see you add the functionality of unencrypt the .enc files. I tried in CLI and works very well. But if I try it...