Results 13 comments of KAI-TING (DANIL) KO

[UPDATE] It is resolved. I used raycast as main bullet physics for detection. It seem then to be much more accurate and above to resolve below problem. But still attach...

Hello, to add above, it should be like below Assume the bullet scene is bullet.tscn ``` var Bullet= preload("res://Bullet.tscn") ... var b = Bullet.instance()

@dandan290 Following are few possibilities: 1. It is because the Position2D object (in the article, it is called `Muzzle`) is not move to the muzzle location, but rather at root's...

Thanks for writing the issue as also faced similar issue Thought to add more info and hope it may help to dig up This NPE will also be caused if...

The symptom seem to be the `taskExecution` is null when `PartitionHandler` is not declare at `@Bean` level with `@EnableTask` https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-task/blob/main/spring-cloud-task-batch/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/task/batch/partition/DeployerPartitionHandler.java @ 347 ``` String.format("%s_%s_%s", this.taskExecution.getTaskName(),

After digging more, identify a theory and a workaround (but may need others to confirm, after testing not found any issue) Root cause analyze (hypothesis) ---- The problem is DeployerPartitionHandler...

Hello, Sorry post wrong, but above should work for both What I mean above is, `DeployerPartitionHandler partitionHandler` 's `beforeTask` (which is triggered using `@BeforeTask`) is only called by default under...

Hello, Sorry will need to answer question in reverse order as it may explain better. I actually faced that above issue with `The old execution may still be executing` if...

@nicolasduminil Regarding https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-task/issues/793#issuecomment-895852115 Sorry for delay, was recently being very busy with work related tasks. I did look your code and create a branch under your repo after my suggestion...

Hello, Thought to also share my attempt (and thanks for raising an issue as I was about to do same thing) I did pass the partitionhandler creation portion (at least...