Hi, a small issue: When you try to import a foreign schema that does not exist you get this: ``` (postgres@[local]:4445) [postgres] > IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA ds2 FROM SERVER mssql_svr...
Hi, first of all thank you for ldap2pg, great tool. I have a question for which I cannot find the answer in the docs or in any of issues. What...
Hi, first of all thank you for this piece of software, it works great. I have one questions: When we have a real AD group like this one: ``` PS...
Hi, on RedHat 7.7: ``` [root@rhel77 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.7 (Maipo) ``` ... with this packages installed: ``` [root@rhel77 ~]# rpm -qa | egrep...