Daniel Weinmann
Daniel Weinmann
Hello, @piem, This wouldn't help me, since I'm working on a software that gives feedback on the user's singing ability. But I ended up making it work with a simple...
Hey, @piem! I'm definitely interested in joining efforts. I'm not a Python programmer, neither understand much about PDA, but I'm a seasoned programmer and a student of many singing methods....
Not me ;)
Cara, só porque o Texttile tava mais à mão pra mim na hora de fazer, e atende às necessidades :)
@diogob e @diegorv, estou terminando a implementação do PayPal e em breve analiso e migro esse PR ;)
Hey, @dave-irvine! Last weekend I got tired of problems like the one you described here and created [react-native-controlled-picker](https://github.com/danielweinmann/react-native-controlled-picker). It is not the exact same solution, but it is the only...
I see 2 separate patterns: 1. The controlled pattern, where the component has no state and we control it via props. 2. The data pattern, where we define the picker...
@clintLandrum, I think I ditched it because I couldn't programmatically close the ActionSheet, and I needed to do so in order to make the dropdown work with [react-native-stateless-form](https://github.com/danielweinmann/react-native-stateless-form). But I'm...
Hi, @ms88privat! I'll surely want to use redux-form v6 in future projects, so I'll probably implement something in the future if nobody does it before me. But if you need...
Thanks, @jalakamsairam! Can you test with version `0.0.2`? I just published it.