Daniel Wennberg
Daniel Wennberg
Been procrastinating on this, since my own version is still developing along with my project (including things like allocation-free 5-arg accumulating jvp, and consistent treatment of in-place vs. immutable versions),...
Reading the docstring for `WrappedArray`, shouldn't the `{D,Bid,Trid,SymTrid}iagonal` wrappers use the `Src` type parameter rather than `Dst`? They wrap 1-3 vectors and turn them into a matrix, so the wrapper...
I think that should do it. Testing that all wrapped arrays are subtypes of the appropriate dimension-specific AnyCustomArray{T,N} union.
Thanks for the reminder. The entire CUDA.jl test suite passes on my end. Looks like UpperHessenberg only exists from 1.3 onwards. Is it important to maintain support for 1.2?
That's OK. There will be about 4 weeks until I can start working on it. (Note that on more careful reading, multiple channel feedback was always there in the original...
If possible, I think `BogoliubovSpace` should work like any other Hilbert space in this regard, and be a valid space to parametrize an `OperatorSymbol` with. I can see that it...
> Otherwise, maybe `RotatedSpace` (is "rotation" a good intuitive picture for what a BogoliubovTransform does?) or `MixedSpace`. I think it depends on your perspective. Clearly, a Bogoliubov transformation can be...
Just realized that we can generalize a little bit further: in addition to Bogoliubov transformations, translations `a -> a + \alpha` preserve canonical commutation relations for bosons (but obviously not...
I agree that CanonicalSpace is questionable. I honestly don't know what the best name would be. BogoliubovSpace isn't too good because a canonical transformation may well be a pure translation....
The name "canonical transformation" refers to transformations that preserve canonical (anti)commutation relations for either bosons or fermions, and doesn't cover other kinds of systems. However, using a similar infrastructure to...