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In-place `*_jacvec!` assumes square jacobian
only work when the output and input dimensions are the same, i.e., the jacobian is square. The issue is this line (and the equivalent fornum_jacvec!
), which should probably use both the length and eltype ofdy
Manual cache allocation works but is surprisingly hard to get right, the implicit prescription in the README gets the wrong tag type for the duals:
The corresponding lines in
should similarly be fixed:
- Besides, shouldn't
be upstreamed to ForwardDiff? Strange to have to pull in a sparse-related package to get this functionality. JuliaDiff/ForwardDiff.jl#319
using SparseDiffTools
function f!(dx, x)
dx[1] = x[2] + x[3]
dx[2] = x[1]
x = randn(3)
v = randn(3)
dx = zeros(2)
auto_jacvec!(dx, f!, x, v)
I think manual cache allocation is what needs to be done, because that's how the output vector would then be defined. Does that make this a documentation issue?
Besides, shouldn't auto_jacvec(!) be upstreamed to ForwardDiff? Strange to have to pull in a sparse-related package to get this functionality.
Possibly, or it should be an AbstractDifferentation.jl interface piece, and all AD packages should then adopt that interface.
A documentation fix would definitely make it easier to preallocate, which is useful regardless, but I think it's possible to make the allocating version work too. Just replace cache2 = similar(cache1)
cache2 = Dual{typeof(ForwardDiff.Tag(DeivVecTag(),eltype(dy))),eltype(dy),1}.(dy, ForwardDiff.Partials.(tuple.(dy))),
Here's the adaptation I landed on for my own use. I factored out the cache allocation into a function that can be used separately, making preallocation easy. If upstreamed to ForwardDiff this would of course turn into something like a ForwardDiff.JVPConfig
struct MyTag end
function jvp!(f!, dy, x, v, duals=nothing)
if duals === nothing
duals = jvpduals(dy, v, x)
else # jvpduals returns initialized duals, so this init is only needed when preallocated
duals.x .= ForwardDiff.Dual{_tagtype(x), eltype(x), 1}.(
x, ForwardDiff.Partials.(tuple.(v))
f!(duals.dy, duals.x)
dy .= ForwardDiff.partials.(duals.dy, 1)
return dy
function jvpduals(dy, x, v)
dualdy = ForwardDiff.Dual{_tagtype(dy), eltype(dy), 1}.(
dy, ForwardDiff.Partials.(tuple.(dy))
# This correctly initializes dualx for computing J_f(x) * v
dualx = ForwardDiff.Dual{_tagtype(x), eltype(x), 1}.(
x, ForwardDiff.Partials.(tuple.(v))
return (; dy=dualdy, x=dualx)
_tagtype(x) = typeof(ForwardDiff.Tag(MyTag(), eltype(x)))
That does seem like a good fix. Mind opening a PR?
Been procrastinating on this, since my own version is still developing along with my project (including things like allocation-free 5-arg accumulating jvp, and consistent treatment of in-place vs. immutable versions), and I notice that the landscape of linear operator types is in rapid flux at the moment, at least on the SciML end of things (stoked for :fire:). So unless an improvement on this is urgent for anyone else I'll hold off a little and come back when it's more clear how things should look.
There's been a lot of motion in this ocean in the last few weeks. Indeed, This change might want to wait until the end of the month until SciMLOperators is complete and registered.