Daniel Villalba

Results 8 issues of Daniel Villalba

Environment: [tutorials.IoT-Agent](https://github.com/FIWARE/tutorials.IoT-Agent/tree/a0f0e769781e600bebb9ce094c4fdfa0d96dbd2c) IoTA version: ``` { "libVersion": "2.15.0", "port": "4041", "baseRoot": "/", "version": "1.16.0" } ``` CB version: ``` { "orion": { "version": "3.0.0", "uptime": "0 d, 1 h, 14...

As the uniqueness in the CB is defined by "entitiy_id" and "entity_type" we can have the following entities: ``` ``` For this situation we need to use the "type" as...

Cygnus no actualiza los atributos si en el CB el atributo está definido como mayúsculas y en la capa Arcgis está definido con minúsculas. Arcgis no es case sensitive respecto...

### Component Feature enhancement ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe When sending a multimeasure like this: ``` [ {"TimeInstant": "2024-04-10T10:00:00Z","temperatureExitLevel": 14,"flowExitLevel": 18,"vol":5}, {"TimeInstant": "2024-04-10T10:05:00Z","temperatureExitLevel": 12,"flowExitLevel":...


## Description The "..._error_log" table is not getting the name of the schema as documentation refers, but the name of database. https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus/blob/808bf1fb5b3d1442686ac93646687728032bbda7/doc/cygnus-common/installation_and_administration_guide/error_persistance.md?plain=1#L21 ## How-to reproduce This issue can be reproduced...

## Description Having a feature layer with geometry defined as "Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline" is raising some errors traces when I try to update an existing feature. Creating a feature is...