Daniel van Mil

Results 13 issues of Daniel van Mil

To reproduce: - Implement a Polymer 3 element with Polymer decorators and a computed property, like: ``` class X extends PolymerElement { @decorators.property({ notify: true, reflectToAttribute: true, computed: "getP1()", type:...

I want to apply the https://github.com/exogen/graphbrainz#as-a-client use case using rollup etc., but the client has dependencies on some core node modules (url, fs etc.). How to resolve this (or provide...

Foreign Keys are commented, what's the reason for this? (it can be very handy when using graphql tools like Hasura etc.)

Passing the --aggressive results in an error. I also can't find anything in the source code? Is this implemented?

We use the tool to retrieve a schema and put in our VCS. The schema on the server isn't always in the same format/order, so a normalize option would be...

To be almost on par with the Ride IDE a "find references" (usage) of keywords feature should be added.


## 🐛 Bug Report Zalenium not compatible with Docker 20.10.0. Most likely the cause is the Spotify Docker Client 8.15.0 that is not compatible with Docker 20.10. 0 as the...

## Package @apollo-elements/core 2.1.2 @apollo-elements/lit-apollo 5.0.3 @apollo/client 3.5.9 ## Description - When I use ApolloQueryController with implicit autoscubscribe with lit-element and render the controller's loading property it doesn't change -...


It would be nice to configure the lint tool to generate errors on all files instead of only the onces that are open (in VSC). I think this is the...

I have a tsconfig like: ``` { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES5", "module": "amd", "moduleResolution": "classic", "listEmittedFiles": true }, "compileOnSave": true, "buildOnSave": true, "include": ["**/*.ts"], "exclude": ["**/*.js"] } ``` So .js...