Daniel Gray
Daniel Gray
Thanks for the clarification! I understand that it is a PHP environment setup issue, but I guess another outcome of fixing this would be adding an entry in the PHP...
Indeed, that made me notice that there is a `php74-session` package, which I should have looked into myself, apologies! Thanks for the pointer! Now there is a "session" section in...
The `check_functions` is called much later. The session_name failure happens because of the call in line 22 of the same file: https://github.com/turnermm/dokuwiki/blob/21e0c4ee85c704dc1b2f6ea59a71f1e657863f03/install.php#L22 which trips the call here: https://github.com/turnermm/dokuwiki/blob/21e0c4ee85c704dc1b2f6ea59a71f1e657863f03/inc/init.php#L245 I propose...
It would depend on the focus you want to have, I guess. Should it ignore the parameter that it doesn't understand, or should it fail explicitly if there is one?...
Thank you! For what it's worth, from my point of view, it should only take it into account if it is a supported option. One potential use case of Liquibase,...
Hi! I've resolved the merge conflict. I be happy to add tests but I'm not sure what tests could be added. The only intention is to have a common interface...
You're welcome! The change should be completely transparent to all users of the class, it just enables more rich change processing in the future. Either way, thanks for including it...
Hi, I understand. The first commit I had on this issue was ONLY detecting the duplicate databaseChangeLog, and I changed it to the duplicate flag because of a suggestion in...