Daniel Szmulewicz
Daniel Szmulewicz
I had indeed misunderstood, but the tests showed me the way. :-) New-user can accept either a map of attributes, or string parameters.
Same technique used for `register-user`: taking advantage of Clojure destructuring we can reduce function signatures.
OK, this thread explains that the problem lies with the Clojurescript repl itself, so not an Austin issue. http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.clojure.user/60605 So what's LightTable secret sauce and how can Austin benefit from...
Preliminary findings indicate that LightTable fires up an internal web server with websockets transport. https://github.com/LightTable/LightTable/blob/92ef49faa985d85bad74b131ee46c8977650bc9f/src/lt/objs/clients/ws.cljs Very interesting. Is this outside the scope of Austin? If so, I'll close this issue....
I agee, it doesn't need to be websocket per se. In this particular instance, I care about the use case, which could be defined like this: "given a client-side project...
That all makes a lot of sense. And it sounds like a good plan. If Austin is to become a default go-to REPL for Clojurescript development, it will need to...
I agree. I discovered that somebody already proposed something along those lines. Adrian Medina posted a lein template (om-cljs) that has all the machinery required in dev/user.clj. https://github.com/aamedina/cljs/blob/master/src/leiningen/new/om_cljs/dev/user.clj I tried...
Thank you, @cemerick. If it helps, I believe you can keep emacs out of the equation. Instead of `nrepl-ritz-jack-in`, you can type in the root folder of a ritz and...
Or, instead of handling the case, throw an error to indicate that either a custom nREPL handler can be used, or user-supplied middleware, but not both at the same time.
I agree with @xpe about not hijacking the `:service-available?` decision point, and more generally, with the principle to respect the semantics of an API and not hack it to bypass...