Daniel Niccoli

Results 34 comments of Daniel Niccoli

> It's still an experimental feature: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_shell-integration > > So it's unlikely to be the _default_, however we could look into adding a feature flag for it. The PSIC is...

Could you specify "wrong router settings"? Your other other suggestions can't be the problem as this would prevent a connection in the first place.

I already said that 99 % of the file are being downloaded. Thanks for you effort to answer, but I think you should read up on the basics of how...

Your suggestions make absolutely no sense. Your cocky tone doesn't suit you as you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

30873446400 Bytes. I'll check another network and get back to you.

@flashcode I haven't had issues on other networks, but also not the possibility to test it out with a file that big. Biggest file size on another network was roughly...

Was worth a shot, but the code does not help me understand the problem. Did a Wireshark capture and noticed that the sending server sends me exactly 20 TCP RST...

I have the same issue. ```text PS C:\> Get-Module Microsoft.Graph, Microsoft.Graph.Authentication ModuleType Version PreRelease Name ExportedCommands ---------- ------- ---------- ---- ---------------- Manifest 1.9.6 Microsoft.Graph Script 1.9.6 Microsoft.Graph.Authentication {Add-MgEnvironment, Connect-MgGraph, Disconnect-MgGraph,...

@martin-martin I don't share your opinion and I don't see a reason why f-strings don't belong here as they are used to format strings. > The examples on this page...