Hi. Nice layer. The combination what I'm looking for is the PIL, numpy, keras and TF in one pack fits into the 262MBi limit. Without PIL this package hardly (does...
Hi. In the meantime I've found and fine tuned a python2.7 based layer (custom env) with older keras and TF, so your pack which includes newer releases seems to be...
Hi. 2 things might be missing: 1. grant users outside of us-east-1 access to this arn. (use wildcard). I'm using mainly mainly deployment in Ireland. 2. publish the layer. check...
Wow. My guess was 50% accurate only. :) It is working from us-east-1. I just tested it now from N. Virginia (us-east-1) and I managed to save the config with...
Well, a simple image recognition task on lambda (max ram/cpu) takes only 1.3-2.5 sec. Doing the same with docker containers would speed this (more CPU) up but anyway you might...
> This issue is not about runtime. It is about building the layers. Ok, I misunderstood you. Now I see your point.