Daniel Mayost

Results 19 comments of Daniel Mayost

- [x] [RTL] Input: `אאא AAA`: ![test](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41772276/166508794-76a314bf-534e-489f-b638-66c1f6d49ed3.gif) - [x] [RTL] `` Pushes the first glyph to the right after typing a space (the correct behavior is as in LTR mode):...

- [x] text in `Flyouts` Tab exits outside the right border if is RTL FlowDirection: **Note:** This issue was previously fixed by #7946 and is now back again after #8053.

- [x] [RTL] Since the last merge, text selection has gone completely wrong.

@Gillibald There are other problems some of which have been marked here as solved, I will list them again?

- [x] After Unicode 14 I think, the brackets and delimiting characters, are reversed in RTL: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41772276/181090465-746812c5-0942-44d3-aa3d-1841121a6171.png) - [x] `TextAlignment="Justify"` in RTL mode don't work as expected, the last line...

i think your application work fine with `FlowDirection`, what needs to be updated? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41772276/163192071-970e5dad-dce7-4112-9d2c-084171af10e4.png) (The exit of the text FluentAvalonia from the margins, is related to text processing and it...

> Also looks like the SplitView isn't respecting the RTL transform (it's rounded corner is still the top left) will investigate this. > What do you mean? None of the...

Okay, `CipToBounds` does not respect `RenderTransform` at all, in WPF, `CipToBounds` does not affect render at all, only the layout, so I do not know if this is an expected...

solved? (#222)

> The `ContentChanged` could probably be a `protected virtual`. Then when we override it in the inheriting class without implementing anything, it won't be so clear why. I thought that...