Daniel Lockyer

Results 33 comments of Daniel Lockyer

Hey all! :wave: Some properties to avoid the stack trace parsing would be great and I'd really like to see that. I'd be happy to take PRs for this project...

@ssbarnea The official Mocha project uses it 🙂 https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/blob/cc51b8fb42c4919e1304724bdb1a90699d17cf85/.github/workflows/mocha.yml#L158-L159

Hey all 👋🏻 I've backported the patch into our mobiledoc-kit fork and bumped it in Ghost. The fix will be available with the next Ghost release 🙂

Hey @rbtnn 🙂 We're moving away from zip files in favor of .tgz file produced by `npm pack`. There's still a bit of friction, but the easiest solution is: 1....

TryGhost/Admin has been merged into this repository under `ghost/admin` - https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/tree/main/ghost/admin 🙂

They are not - the .zip has all of the files in the top-level, but the .tgz has them inside `package/` as `npm pack` and NPM packages expect. That said,...

@devnied Thanks for the reference - I've pinged on that PR to see if we can get it released 🙂

Hey @anujdeshpande - we've identified an issue with the email analytics job that can cause it to stall indefinitely if there's an issue contacting Mailgun. It's been fixed and will...

@secondmanveran This sounds like a configuration issue. What did you have in your `database.connection.host` config value and can you connect to it using those credentials?

Hey @secondmanveran - very odd. Are you sure your MySQL instance can be connected to from where you're running Ghost? Is there possibly a firewall in action?