Thanks @jdknight ! The use case is really similar to what you have described: > I assume for an environment where a container may build and then forward it to...
Workflow log before creating the PR: https://github.com/danieljmv01/evidently/actions/runs/2411394304
Rebased and updated `_remove_nans_and_infinities` to just keep valid values without replacing data, just in case : https://github.com/evidentlyai/evidently/blob/fa546f78877b4242a4d5acf482951af9095e9718/src/evidently/pipeline/pipeline.py#L38-L40 Log: https://github.com/danieljmv01/evidently/actions/runs/2415156752
Hi @Guidosalimbeni, In case it helps, these might be related: #241 and #242 Do the data include columns that have nans or `np.inf` values (even if they are not the...