Daniel James
Daniel James
Sounds cool, I have forwarded a link to the author of ebooklib.
Hi @aerkalov Would this be good to merge now? Just checking in case I need to update https://packages.debian.org/sid/python-ebooklib etc.
Hi @machour , generated documentation would be an excellent project, as the existing static documentation is under a restrictive licence and cannot be updated without permission from the author, a...
@ravenOSS this is already available, you just have to change one Javascript file after installation.
Hi @buddhatunes it's `interface_config.js` and it is likely to be in the `/usr/share/jitsi-meet/` directory. The format is easy to read, please see https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/interface_config.js
Hi @vilcans I did test it with my own screenplay of 59 pages, looks good to me in A4! A command-line option to change paper size at runtime would be...
Hi @vilcans in another project I have controlled the style of PDF outputs using the CSS Paged Media specification, similar to `export/default.css` in screenplain: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-page-3/ This allows very precise control,...
Hi @maxmueller89 the relevant error here is probably 'The given hostname does not exist in the config' You might like to check that the hostname you entered was correct.
Hi @ravenOSS the value of this offering is saving you time setting up Jitsi. Who you offer access to after that is up to you. I agree that password-based admin...
Thanks @pachamaltese the changes required are under 'Configuring a Jitsi Meet environment for Jibri' on https://github.com/jitsi/jibri/blob/master/README.md yourdomain.com can probably be inferred from the existing setup script input, but the authentication...