
Results 5 comments of danielgarner64

That was exactly what I attempted to do originally. But while in the on_completion method I still get the error that the file is open. Here is the error I...

@jerinpetergeorge Here is a copy of a mini-project that reproduces the error, sorry for the lack of comments. https://github.com/danielgarner64/BasicChunkedUpload

Just confirmed, you are correct this is not a problem for Ubuntu with Python 3.6. I only get the bug in Windows 10 with Python 3.7. I'd say its not...

For anyone using aspnet 5.0 aspnet, by default your docker conatiner is still using Debian 10 by default. To fix this you can change the following line in your Dockerfile...

So when I did these uploads I primarily used the Restapi (using python code to encode and uplaod the file). And for very large files 2GB+ I used a very...