
Results 14 issues of danieleperera

Hey, Nice project! I have been working on something similar. I was checking out how to make scrapy work with TOR and found your project! I was thinking if we...

Hi, I'd like to run dnstwist inside another script with some additional parameters. ```python import dnstwist fuzz = dnstwist.DomainFuzz("google.com") fuzz.generate() fuzz.domains [{'domain-name': 'google.com', 'fuzzer': 'Original*'}, {'domain-name': 'googlea.com', 'fuzzer': 'Addition'}, {'domain-name':...


I was thinking it would be nice to add a timeout to a Source class or source.run? What do you think?

Hi guys, Have you got any other ideas on how to cut down on duplicates without using `(Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since/ETag/If-None-Match)`. I'm trying to use the `web.py` source but some HTTP response headers...


First of all thanks for creating and sharing such a great project. 💯 I have some suggestions regarding the code and the documentation. For the documentation it would be useful...


### Expected behavior ## We would like to set Redis password. The modification was performed on /etc/redis.config `requirepass PASSWORD_HERE` Then on MISP servers/serverSettings/MISP, the new password was configured Critical |...

needs triage

Hey, I saw some repeated code on the django model. I improved it by creating an abstract parent class `DbType` where all the other database type model classes (Gitlab, Dirs,...

Hi, I have been using LeakLooker-X GUI for last few days. I find the dropdown to select the type of DBs a little bit tedious. Most of the time I...

In the latest docker container version v.2.8.90, when I try to add SSH keys, i get `crypto/aes: invalid key size 30 ` error. I've tried adding RSA keys and ECDSA...

Hi everyone, I'm running semaphore using docker, the versione is v2.8.90. In this version, I've setup the docker-compose.yml in the following manner: ``` services: semaphore: container_name: ansiblesemaphore image: semaphoreui/semaphore:v2.8.90 user:...