The problem is the abstract class. If you try to serialize only Car or Moped class the discriminator field is written in the serialized object. I remember that I tried...
What about the deserialize method? It works in the serialization as well, but what's happen when you try to deserialize it? The virtual property is not a discrimination field to...
yes, I think it should be done with the Locale. Let me check it, and I'll let you know asap. A contribution is also finding problems :-), so thanks :+1:
Hello @apuestaya I was reading the docs and I was trying to manipulate the locale. After a while I've realised that: https://api.developer.betfair.com/services/webapps/docs/display/1smk3cen4v3lu3yomq5qye0ni/Locale+Specification Basically the locale it's not for the datetime...
I did not time to improve it. Id you want you can open a PR with php7 updates :)
Hello @letal1609, the project was an proof of concept for a talk that I did: http://www.slideshare.net/danieledangeli10/symfony-in-microservice-architecture Well, as a proof of concept, it's pretty much complete. There is no database...