Daniele Avitabile
Daniele Avitabile
I use LuaSnip, and have developed a number of LaTeX snippets. I am now considering adopting friendly-snippets for other languages, while keeping exclusively my own LaTeX snippets for .tex files....
This is not an issue per se, but I am after some advice. I have downloaded data and code from NITRC website, so as to run the example presented on...
I may have missed the localisation from this list, in which case please accept my apologies. Is there a localisation for [EurKey] (https://eurkey.steffen.bruentjen.eu)? My use case is that US international...
I would like to achieve the effect I described in this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/nordtheme/comments/1dyts7f/highlight_groups_in_flashnvim/ Any chances this could be implemented?
### Extension https://www.raycast.com/HelloImSteven/keyboard-shortcut-sequences ### Description On my laptop I am trying to setup a sequence of shortcuts for bringing the application LaTeXIt to front (Hyper + X) and launch a...