
Results 16 comments of Daniel

this issue is under development or something? Thx

@lightisfaster @AxelHamburch I think this issue is solved and can be closed.

Hello @Goro2030 I don't think this is related to Cloudflare config but because of how tunnels works. It doesn't assign you a static IP and that's a must for LND...

@dennisreimann when using the Cloudflare fragment an `env` variable is used: `CLOUDFLARE_TUNNEL_TOKEN` maybe this is the flag you are talking about?

@coinforensics maybe `ExternalHosts` also but the problem is still the same, I think you can't communicate to a Cloudflare's tunnel IP directly, you need to use the hostname (I could...

What exactly is the traffic on LND? TCP? Looking at the docs on tunnels I see that TCP is supported (as other protocols), it can be used like `tcp://localhost:9735` https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/install-and-setup/tunnel-guide/local/local-management/ingress/#supported-protocols

Maybe the best here is to let the user select how he wanted to expose the LND node connection to the world. For example, a user running an e-commerce store...

Then we need to do something with the documentation on CloudFlare tunnels, maybe add this information for other users to know and use only Lightning with Tor. Also would be...