Daniel Ajisafe
Daniel Ajisafe
Hi Lucidrains, Thanks for your great work :1st_place_medal: Do we need to keep or re-use this backup [data](https://github.com/lucidrains/se3-transformer-pytorch/tree/main/se3_transformer_pytorch/data)?
How do we update the captions in List of Figures from showing a long text describing the image but only a short title? I tried [this](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2853/tableofcontents-and-listoffigures-help) and [this](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/11579/short-captions-for-figures-in-listoffigures) but it...
Hello, Thank you so much for your great work and codebase! I would appreciate your clarifications on a few items. 1) From within ```TextToVideoSDPipelineCall.py```, at this [line](https://github.com/hohonu-vicml/TrailBlazer/blob/5389c8bad6413e8b340cefb383c12b78f801c2be/TrailBlazer/Pipeline/TextToVideoSDPipelineCall.py#L283), the attention maps...
Hi, thanks for the great work! I have a setup where I don't have access to the internet on the compute node (where GPU is available) hence can't install using...