Daniel Rossier
Daniel Rossier
Sorry, there was a mistake in the so3/configs/vexpress_fb_defconfig files. Solved now.
Well, it seems that our defconfig refer to a more recent toolchain. We need to update the guide. You can download [this toolchain](https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-a/9.2-2019.12/binrel/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz?revision=fed31ee5-2ed7-40c8-9e0e-474299a3c4ac&hash=C54244E4E3875AACABA1DFB301ACA805) I will update the doc accordingly.
[The doc has been updated](https://smartobject.gitlab.io/so3/user_guide.html). Using this toolchain should be OK. Please report me any trouble with it.
If I got it correctly, this huge size is mainly due to QEMU right ?
@kisvegabor In the meanwhile, I will try to set up a docker container based build which should lead to a much smaller buid env and reduce the build time as...
I'm doing progress on SO3 docker containerization. The final image should be less than 1GB. I just need more time to achieve since I'm very busy these days.
Still working on int. We should have something in the coming days.
Currently, the workflow uses the LVGL code base as deployed in SO3. Of course, we will find adapt the workflow to pick up the code in the master branch from...
Great! Thank you Gàbor. Sorry for the other CI actions. I guess I removed them to go faster. They will be restored.
Do I have permission to push commits on this branch? I also noticed that check_perf.yml was missing.