Daniel Frąk
Daniel Frąk
Regarding the proposed code, as far as I remember this will not work if the locale is set to default and so does not solve the problem. I know that...
To somewhat simplify the above (and hopefully make it a bit clearer), I'm imagining a `DefinitionResolver` interface implemented by a `DefinitionFileResolver` class, which would load all `.yml` files in a...
> Would you then declare DefinitionFileResolver as a singleton? I would declare `DefinitionFileResolver` as a POJO injected via Faker's constructor. Additionally, the no-args constructor would `new` it (as it is...
I needed a solution at the time and unfortunately couldn't spend more time on discussing a Faker-specific solution, so I created my own dummy data generator, which eventually evolved into...
Just chiming in to add that this issue extends to Java 14's [switch expressions](https://openjdk.org/jeps/361), making it impossible to have 100% code coverage if they are used, due to the implicit...
Hello, thanks for contributing! Some feedback: - Please provide tests for your functionality - It's not clear at a glance what is happening in the code and why. The code...
I honestly haven't given much thought to the probability of the migration API not being available, as I didn't think the plugin would be used at any other time than...
I feel like OP's repro is muddied a bit due to the default value shenanigans. The issue is that `NullValueMappingStrategy.RETURN_NULL` most definitely does not work 'as expected'. Minimum reproduction: ```java...
@filiphr I am saying it is a bug that the generated code is missing the line I annotated with `// This is missing in the generated code`. If `list` is...
Hi! Does it show the plugin as active *and enabled* in the "User federation" tab after step 5? Is the configuration (endpoint URLs etc) correct right after importing? I think...